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El Espectáculo de la Cocina

This project was very simple. We first picked recipes from Spanish-speaking countries and translated them to Spanish. We then took these recipes and filmed ourselves making them, instructing viewers on how to do the same as we went. My recipe was tortillas, which are a traditional dish in a large amount of Latin America, dating back to 10,000 BCE.

El Proyecto de "Mi Frida"

This project began with reading a biography of Frida Kahlo in order to work on the past tense. We then picked our own people and wrote a biography in Spanish. We also created an art piece based on a Frida painting of the person we wrote a biography on. My "Frida" was Ching Shih, a Chinese pirate who lived in the late 1700s and early 1800s. I based my art of off Frida Kahlo's "Self Portrait with Cropped Hair."

(above) Self Portrait with Cropped Hair, Frida Kahlo

(above) Drawing of Ching Shih, Unknown

Mi Frida: Ching Shih


Ching Shih era un pirata muy aterradora y formidable. A su parto, sus padres le dieron el nombre Shi Yang. Ella nació a Guangzhou, Guangdong, Qing, China en 1775. Aparte de cuando era un pirata, vivió allí durante su vida entera. En su vida joven, era un prostituta y tenía un apodo: Shi Xianggu. Ella era conocido como estar un empresaria inteligente.


Ching Shih se casó con Cheng I, un pirata señor, en 1801. Era rumoreado que ella demandó, como parte del futuro matrimonio, que Ching Shih tendría la misma cantidad de control igual a su esposo. Era dicho que ella era muy involucrada en la piratería de su marido. La muerte de Cheng I fue seis años después, en 1807. Ching Shih se encontró en una posición frágil. Ella no ya tuvo autoridad.


Para se quedaba importante a los piratas, Ching Shih tenía que hacer muchas cosas. Las cosas más importantes era hacer una relación con el hijo adoptivo de Cheng I, Cheung Po. Todas las posesiones de Cheng I fueron a su hijo adoptivo, incluso su posición de autoridad. Ching Shih se hacía valioso a los otros piratas también. Ella se hacía indispensable, y eventualmente agarró control.


En 1810, el gobierno de China hizo un oferta de amnistía, y ella aceptó. Vivió una vida tranquila hasta que se murió en 1844. Ella tenía 69 años. Ching Shih era una de pocos piratas que no estaba matada y se murió de causas naturales.

Calaveras Literarias

While calavera literally translates to skull, a calavera literaria is a satirical poem that makes fun of death. They are typically about a person or a type of person and gives the reader some information on the person, before they die later in the poem. The section of the poem where they die is meant to be an explanation for why they are a skeleton, while the former section simply informs about the person in question.

I chose to write my calavera about "the sophomore" because of the many sophomores who I am in class with. Due to the fact that our class is often disrupted and I often hear them complaining or not working, I explain how they do not want to learn Spanish or go to school, then show them tripping over another student on a run around the building, allowing them to play video games forever as a skeleton. Their death comes from how a few of them are constantly asking to take a lap around the building instead of doing work. I was trying to portray a lack of work and motivation in some of the sophomores. 

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